Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Finding your place to put your gifts & strengths to work, making a difference for eternity

 "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ  Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

 The Journey of Life:  To Be God's people..."Embodying the love of Jesus Christ in the city and the world"!

 "I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve."-Albert Schweitzer
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10 

 If we truly are Jesus's hands and feet in the can we be good stewards and invest our lives for His glory?  So we can truly make a difference in the world!

●  When searching for Nonprofits to invest in...either as a volunteer or as an investor, what should I be looking for and why?
Start with your church! Look at your churches' website. What is their Mission statement and Vision for your city and the world?

●  It should jump out at you!  And then a clear statement as to how you can serve with them to help fulfill the Lord's vision both for your city and the world! Simple! 

Maybe even a few short "Serving descriptions" with a 3 minute video of a volunteer telling what they do?

What is your PASSION? 

This is one of the most important items to consider. Need some help in clarifying your passion?

●  Now you need to know your Strengths!  Strengthsfinder 2.0. 

The $19.99 version is great to use. It gives you your top 5 "Strengths" of the 35 "Strengths."
You get a beautiful 16 page printout of your "Strengths" and how to use them. 

  If you still aren't convinced to do the "Strengthsfinder 2.0" me and I will send you my 16 page printout. Just a sample of what you would receive. 

Set up a visit with your church Volunteer Coordinator, or your favorite non profit.
Be sure to bring along your Strengths" printout to show them and ask how you can use your "Passion" and "Strengths" in advancing their Mission and Vision! Simple!

Do they have a plan to integrate your Passion, Gifts and Strengths into their ministry and outreach?  Don't get discouraged. This may be something new to them. Set up another meeting.
Are they interested in seeing how your "Strengths" can be a vital part of them fulfilling God's vision and mission with you partnering with them or are they just looking to fill an empty position? Has anyone in their organization taken the assessment?   Maybe you spoke with the wrong person? May be time to move on...

Don't give up on your church!  Send them a link to this post! 
Again: Pray! 

What one church is doing helping people assess their S.H.A.P.E

Your Spiritual gifts, Heart or Passion, Abilities, Personality and Experiences.
You can take an assessment and they will get back to you with possible places to use your S.H.A.P.E. It's a good assessment, but they don't look at your "Strengths".

Would love to hear your experience! Connect with me on Linkedin or Twitter. 

Meeting for coffee to further discuss your opportunities! 

More on "Strengths' from another blog of mine! 

This Blog is Keyword.  Try Strengths, Ministry, Calling, Volunteering, Mission,Vision, Faith, S.H.A.P.E, Passion, Boomer, Church, Half Time, Decision Making, Plans, Career, Gifts see previous posts on this BLOG, going back up to 8 years

●  With the thousands of non profits out can I evaluate them?

●  With our instant access to information on the internet, we are probably already searching and can easily get confused. What are we really looking for and why?

●  Even if we don't know it...we are looking for an organization that aligns with our passion...our desires. We all want to make a difference in the world, don't we? 

● The best way is to start as a volunteer with an organization if possible.

 ●  So start by looking at their website!

●  What you want to find immediately when looking at their website:

 1. Mission Statement

2.  Vision Statement or their strategy for reaching their mission.

A great place to start to volunteer is in your own neighborhood...and you set the schedule!

●  This is what I am telling charities that they need on their website!
The Basic info you need on your site! 

●  But what are donors really looking for?

●  You already had some idea of who you wanted to donate to!

 ●   It's all about Passion and Relationships!  What am I passionate about? A Clue

 ●   What is Passion?  "..passion is morally neutral. It is simply a strong feeling or deep longing  for something." ..."Passion is the God-given ability to feel so deeply about something that it causes us to move toward the object of desire. This passion stems from an urge given by God-a burden, an emotional response to a need or opportunity He wants us to move toward. It's not a feeling that we experience and then lose easily. It's persistent and powerful. We can't ignore it."  Discover Your Destiny by Bill & Kathy Peel.

"The thing is to understand myself, to see what God wishes me to find the idea for which I can live and die"-Soren Kierkegaard
 "The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.” —William James

"...Embodying the love of Jesus Christ in the city and the world."  A good vision or mission statement!

●  So, what is your passion? 

●  We must have clarity about the Vision and Mission of an organization. If I am looking for a charity that I can volunteer with, I look for people I respect who are practical-minded. I want to be sure it's the sort of project that I can bring something of value to, and in which I'm being involved in a meaningful way. So I always ask myself: Is it a mission I believe in? Do I believe in the people who are in it? and does it use my talents and gifts in a way that engage me?"

●  So one of the best ways to evaluate a charity is to volunteer with them...if they are in your area or have a local The American Red Cross or The Salvation Army...just two examples!  They are looking for volunteers! They have FREE training, both online and classroom . ●  No matter what your passion, gifts, abilities, past experience, personality etc. are, each of these organizations has a place for you!  You just have to have patience and talk to people at the organization...and start getting connected. The same for any organization.  These are just two International organizations that have local chapters around the country within easy driving distance. Obviously, there are probably other similar organizations that have local chapters. 

●  When contacting an organization...consider calling and talking to Communications  Director or Volunteer Director.  But do your research on their website first!

●  This is what you want to immediately see and clearly understand!

 1. Vision Statement

2.  Mission Statement

3.  Their Strategy for reaching their Mission

4.  It's also great if they have some testimonies from reciepients of their ministry! 

●  There's a lot of noise going on in the world. We need to listen to God speaking to us and that it is God that is speaking.

●   When I stand before Jesus one day, I want to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant". Isn't that what you want to hear?
So what are we asking ourselves as we view their website and consider if we should invest in their cause?
So what is God calling me to do?
We all know there is no I in TEAM.
What is God doing in the world through this organization?

●  Can I be a part of their TEAM by donating to Our cause?  As a volunteer and or investor. Yes, it's our cause!

●  If we are already volunteering with an we feel a part of the TEAM?
How do they communicate with you?
Phone call for funds?
Phone call to see how you are doing and if you would like prayer?
If you are on social media, do you promote your favorite organization? Tweets and Retweets.
Status Updates on Linkedin. Does organization acknowledge your efforts? 

Have I prayed about how I might be a good steward and use God's funds to further His cause through this organization?

●  Do I need more help in evaluating this organization?

●  How To Make Wise Choices When Investing Your Funds In A Charity! 

●  Where Would You Like to Volunteer?


●   If you have questions about the non profits mission and if they are TRUE to the founders original mission, Is The Organization You Want to Volunteer With, True To Their Mission? and why it is important!


●   Has your favorite non profit drifted away from it's original vision and Mission?   A good read on this subject of "Mission Drift"


Finding peace with God

  I welcome your thoughtful insights. Richard


My latest TWEETS on TWITTER 

Friday, October 5, 2018

Finding peace with God

Steps to peace with God

A one time event...coming to Christ

But daily living it out!  Becoming like Christ!

 Galatians 5:22-23 New International Version (NIV)

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Colossians 2:6: "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as LORD, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness." 

Monday, September 3, 2018

God's Plan for the world!

What is the Heart of God?

Be part of God's plan for Him to be loved by every people.

Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples! (Psalm 96:3)

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" Acts 1:8

  ●   "We all want to do the will of God, and we know that there is nothing nearer to His heart than the evangelization of the world." Oswald J. Smith

  ●      "I am convinced that every person can be given the compassionate heart of God. The heart of God is for the people of the world."  Bobbye Byerly

●     "Is it possible to get close to the Master's heart without getting close to the Master's mission? Larry Moyer

     "Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God." Bob Pierce

 ●     "God is so pleased when He finds His heart beating in another." Steven C. Hawthorne.

 ●    "The secret of Christianity is not asking Jesus into your heart; it is Jesus asking us into His    heart." Jamie Zumwalt

 ●     "We will not be able to seek the mind of the Lord until we receive His heart." Loren Cunningham

   Quotes taken from John Willis Zumwalt's book: Passion For The Heart of God.  Making His Heart Completely Yours.

John has taught many  Perspectives on the World Christian Movement  classes over the years. Usually lesson #1
  • Perspectives on the World Christian Movement 

    Lesson 1

     The Living God is a Missionary God

    God's purpose is three-fold: against evil—kingdom victory; for the nations—redemption and blessing; and for God—global glory in worship. God's purpose revealed in promise to Abraham. Exploring God's purpose for the nations: Blessing to the nations described.
  • Instructor

    John Zumwalt

    Outrageous Love, Choctaw OK
    John Zumwalt is the Cross Cultural Coach for the innovative organization, Outrageous Love. After serving as a missionary among the unreached Minnan he returned to America and for over 22 years served as the founder and Director of the Missionary Training Institute, Beautiful Feet Boot Camp. He has trained over 300 Career Missionaries. He has a Doctorate of Divinity from International University for Graduate Studies. John has authored the book, Passion for the Heart of God and travels widely, preaching and holding seminars, raising up activist to go to the ends of the earth. John and his wife, Jamie, also pastor a church in a “red light district” of Oklahoma City. They have five children, Jessica, Josiah, Jael, Jewel and James. 

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Prayer Drive Zip 53206 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

As our church did a "Prayer Walk" in all areas of the city last week   See previous post  decided to do a "Prayer Drive" this week in Zip Code 53206 on Saturday, August 25th.

A great book on prayer!...but NOT while driving!

Did an  Exploratory Prayer Drive around the perimeter of Zip Code 53206 to get an idea of the scope of 53206.  2 miles in length by 1.2 miles in width  or 6.4 square miles. 

 53206 includes neighborhoods of: Arlington Heights, Borchert Field, North Division, Amani and Franklin Heights.

Boundaries of Zip 53206

Capitol Drive on the North...

1-43 on the East...

North Avenue on the South...

27th ST.on the West...

If we can't or don't want to walk, we can drive down the streets and occasionally stop and get out and walk alittle or just stop and pray...get back in the car and drive to another spot. One can really cover alot of territory this way! 

A few pictures below from my car of just a few of the churches in this zip code. 

What if even just a few of the Pastors and churches in this area mobilized their members to do a prayer walk in just a few blocks or small radius of their church? 
I'm sure many of them are already doing this!!
There  are more churches inside the boundaries of 53206! 
Pastors, churches, neighbors stop the violence! 
In fact there is a group Pastors United  on Facebook.

Next week I will do random days and random times for a Prayer Drive!

Started driving South on 8th St. and Capitol Drive... next to 1-43 to North Ave. driving West to 27th ST. and then North to Capitol Drive and then East back to 1-43.
Pictures in that order.  

On my second trip around the border of the zip Code area, I occasionally drove some side streets...Also, more churches and schools that can be prayed for...

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Praying for your city

Interested in making a difference or change in the lives of people in your city...Milwaukee...or any city or town in the country?



  "...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14.

 ● What would a city look like if God were to build a city from the ground up?

Does scripture describe such a city?
God describes the New Jerusalem in Isaiah 65:17-25 where his peace (shalom) is present.
From To Transform A City by Eric Swantson & SamWilliams. Page 56  

There is joy   V19

Absense of weeping and crying  V19

No infant mortality  V20

People live out their full lives  V20

● People build houses and live in them.  VV21-22

●  People will sow and reap.  VV21-22

There is fulfilling and meaningful work  V22

There is confidence that the next generation will face a better life. VV23

People will experience the blessing of God.  VV23

There is intergenerational family support with family structures intact.  V23

There are rapid answers to prayer.  V24

There is an absence of violence.V25

Eric Swanson goes on to say that "A healthy community is one where "the least of these" (Matt.25-31-46) are cared for with the same love that we would offer to Jesus himself, were he in need of our care."

Everything starts with Prayer!

We can pray at home alone at any time.

We could also get a friend or two and do a Prayer Walk through our neighborhoods where we live.

If we can't or don't want to walk, we can drive down the streets and occasionally stop and get out and walk alittle or just stop and pray...get back in the car and drive to another spot. One can really cover alot of territory this way! 

As we pray for our neighborhood and city, we can ask the Lord how we can be more intentional in our praying or talking with Jesus.

A few things we can pray about: Specific to Milwaukee: From 414 Live published by Milwaukee Health Dept. Office of Violence Prevention:

Vision: "Milwaukee is a safe and resilient city where the lives of all residents are valued, promoted, and protected."

 We can pray Jeremiah 29.7.  "Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper."

1. Stop the shooting
2 Promote healing and restorative Justice
3 Strengthen children, youth and families. 
4 Advance economic opportunity
5. Foster safe neighborhoods

A few online resources on "Prayer Walking" 

You can start right where you are...right now...and you don't have to wait for your church to get on board.  

You can start alone or with a friend...
A few ideas:
     Pick a day of the week and a time for a one hour walk. Start.
     If your are retired, find a few friends and commit to a one hour time once a week. 
     Great if they are in your neighborhood.
     They don't even have to be "members" of your church.
     If  your church is already doing prayer walks, join  them! 

This is what our church is doing.   

 Our city was divided into 15 areas

 Over 100 people signed up to do the prayer walk.

25 people were in our group Territory 6.  Zip code 53206

Just find some people who care enough about your city to gather together and pray for peace in your city and for the needs of all people. 

Friday, August 10, 2018

Encouragement for the day!


Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV

"The trail is long, and we won't arrive at our destination in this life. Still, we're on the journey with Jesus for the greatest thrill of our lives." Zig Ziglar
  • "Your best friend is the one who brings out your highest and best, never your lowest and least.-Ike Reighard

  • "I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve."-Albert Schweitzer

  •  "Leadership is the ability to organize the spiritual gifts and limitations of others." -J.. Oswald Sanders
  • "When God contemplates some great work, He begins it by the hand of some poor, weak, human creature, to whom He afterwards gives aid, so that enemies who seek to obstruct it are overcome."-Martin Luther

  • "The greatest use of a life is to spend it for something that will outlast it." -William James

  • "Let my heart be broken by the things that break God's heart." -Bob Pierce

  • "To know the will of God is the greatest knowledge! To do the will of God is the greatest achievement." -George W. Truett

Thursday, August 9, 2018

On your journey to God?

Searching for meaning in life?

Would you like to know God personally?

Have you heard of the 4 Spiritual Laws?  


  Searching for peace with God? 



Blessings on your journey!