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Showing posts with label online. Show all posts

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Church Website in the Covid-19 season

At this time when people cannot physically be in your church...they may be looking for an online church service.

When most people look at a have 5 seconds to get their attention or they are off! And they are viewing on their cell phone!

What a great opportunity to share the gospel!

You probably already have a great website, but what is most important now is to make your ONLINE church service visible on your Home page...and easy to connect with. It needs to jump out at the viewer.

Some highlights from a previous post of  mine:

You know your vision, mission and strategy to reach your goal!

How are you communicating this to your audience?

Who is  your audience?

Who do you want to reach with your website?


When anyone looks at your website they want to see the following items clearly!

1.  Your Vision Statement

2.  Your Mission Statement

3.  Your Strategy for reaching your Mission

These need to be clear and to the point!

ON your HOME page!

When most young people look at a have 5 seconds to get their attention or they are off! And they are viewing on their cell phone! 

When viewing a blog or a website for the first time, if you don't get their attention with the first 5 words in your first sentence of your first paragraph...they are off!  

Check your analytics ...Are they going to another page? 

What is your Bounce Rate?

Are they landing on your HOME page?

Most viewers do NOT come to your HOME page first!

Your site must be easy to navigate.

Did you have a focus group try to find your site? 

Do you know why people are coming to your website?

How did they find it?

What did you learn from that?

A previous post. How to get viewers attention!