Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Key to Joy!

As my good friend Ron says, "It's all about relationships".

With "social media"'s about "friends", "connections" and "followers".

Over the course of time, I have added, "Yes, and it's all about Communication."
Communication, Communication, Communication.

All about Relationships: Yes, with Jesus through God our Father...and then relationship with each other.

To develop any relationship, we need to listen and to communicate.
So it's all about Communication, Communication Communication.

With God, we communicate through Prayer.

With each other, we communicate in many ways.

But in any relationship...even with the best of Relationship and Communication, we mess up. It's called sin.

With God we can repent and ask for forgiveness.

So to complete the circle...I have added yes, and it's all about Forgiveness.
Forgiveness, Forgiveness, Forgiveness.


Just as we can have a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ and with each other...We can communicate our love  and needs to Him and also to other...but in the process we have a tendency to mess up. But again, we can ask God for forgiveness...and as He has made His forgiveness available to us, we then also need to forgive each other.

As Eugene H. Peterson says in The Message: Matthew 6: "In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can't get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God's part." 

So how can we NOT forgive others?

As we experience God's forgiveness and grace, it's then pretty easy to forgive other!

When we do that...we can truly have JOY!

Also, don't forget to forgive yourself...But that's another story...for another time.

With all the relationships we have..."Friends", "Connections", "Followers"...

best to start with God.

Finding true peace with God 

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