Sunday, June 24, 2018

How To Make A Difference In Your City!

Interested in making a difference or change in the lives of people in your city...Milwaukee...or any city or town in the country?


 How to get to know your neighbor and their needs

  What is Neighborhood Transformation?

Neighborhood Transformation is a strategy that helps churches minister in a wholistic manner to people in urban poor neighborhoods. It empowers people to take responsibility for their own lives. It helps neighbors to help their neighbors and moves them from welfare and relief to empowerment. It focuses on assets found in the neighborhood, which fosters local ownership instead of being based on problems that they expect outsiders to fix for them.


  My prior blog post showed what non  profit organizations are already doing to reduce poverty in Milwaukee and you can join them.


  But another option is to start right now...right where you are...and you don't have to wait for your church to get on can start alone and or with a friend!


You may already be heavily involved in your own ministry and may not be able to take on a new ministry...but remember that Neighborhood Transformation is a template of hundreds of elements that a person does dependent on what they are already doing in a neighborhood.


 Below is  just one event happening  in Milwaukee soon.


Alot of local vendors & non profits present!



One does NOT have to be a member of God's kingdom to advance His Kingdom.

A paraphrase of Eric Swanson in his book: To Transform A City.


We all have limited time to make a difference in the world. 


Choose wisely where you feel led to make that difference. 


 Check out the links below to see what small elements you can add to your current ministry...and then see how combining God's word and His example of showing love to all people...and then helping them engage in this ministry can lead to the extension of God's Kingdom!  Talk about multiplication!


Search the list below and pick out your top 3 most fun activities you and another person can do together!  


100 Ways you can start to use to get to know your neighbors!


And if you would like to get to know alot of new is another fun easy activity you and a friend or partner can do!


9 Easy Questions you can ask your neighbor to start the process! 


Collaborative for Neighborhood Transformation helps people in the neighborhood transform their lives and communities from the inside out, resulting in:

  • People knowing, loving, caring and serving their neighbors
  • People taking responsibility and working to change their reality
  • A reduction in disease, crime, drug abuse, and alcohol addiction
  • People knowing Christ with healthy, growing churches
  • Improved employment and living conditions    
  • Hope, health, and enthusiasm toward neighborhood life 

 Isn't this exciting!


Let's begin the journey!


 A PDF presentation on how Neighborhood Transformation works!


If you would like to view some Power Point Presentations ...Health, Urban, Children, Spanish, Inner city, Clinics, Refugees...PowerPoint Presentations on various approaches to different cultures...


It all starts with developing relationships!


Short blog about how you can get started!


Neighborhood Transformation-Milwaukee


A few teaching videos 


First Neighborhood Transformation Event was in Milwaukee in 2011 



Programs for poverty alleviation are good...but "without heart change, money, healthcare, housing, and education do not meet our world's deepest needs." "Apart from Christ, we might simply introduce the problems of prosperity while we solve the problems of poverty. -  Peter Greer


 "The church should be the most creative entity in the world."


  By "Church" I mean the people of God, not the physical building or institution.


  You as an individual can use your creativity to bring glory and honor to the  LORD! 

  What a journey!



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If you would like more information on how Neighborhood Transformation can change Milwaukee & how you can be a part of it...connect with me.

Let's meet for coffee!

Linkedin, Twitter.

Richard Dassow


See what a group in Arizona is doing! 

Neighborhood Transformation In Arizona

My other blog: 

Interested in being a change agent in your city...Milwaukee?